Results for 'J. V. Bartolotti'

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  1.  53
    Linguistic control in monolingual and bilingual language learners.J. V. Bartolotti & Viorica Marian - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    A-V Instruction: Materials and Methods.J. V. Muir, James W. Brown, Richard B. Lewis & Fred F. Harcleroad - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (1):141.
  3.  39
    Short Notices of Books Insects, Hygiene and History. By J. R. Busvine. London: Athlone Press, 1976. Pp. 262. £6.95.J. V. Pickstone - 1979 - British Journal for the History of Science 12 (2):235-236.
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    Plato On Truth And Falsity In Names.J. V. Luce - 1969 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):222-232.
    In Cratylus 385 b-c Plato argues that if statements () can be true or false, names (),2 as parts () of statements, are also capable of being true or false. From Aristotle onwards this view has often been challenged,3 and R. Robinson put the case against it trenchantly when he wrote:4This argument is bad; for names have no truth-value, and the reason given for saying that they do is a fallacy of division. No one in the dialogue points out that (...)
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    Rediscovering the Archimedean Polyhedra: Piero della Francesca, Luca Pacioli, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Daniele Barbaro, and Johannes Kepler.J. V. Field - 1997 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 50 (3-4):241-289.
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  6. The Fate of Modern Culture.J. V. L. Casserley, D. M. Mackinnon & E. L. Mascall - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):103-104.
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    Central pattern generators and sensory input.J. V. Luco - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):557-557.
  8.  33
    The Budé Plato Completed.J. V. Luce - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (01):33-.
  9.  9
    (1 other version)Sidis's Nature and Causation of the Galvanic Phenomenon.J. V. Breitwieser - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy 7:416.
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    Abstraction and the object of the human intellect according to Henry of ghent.J. V. Brown - 1973 - Vivarium 11 (1):80-104.
  11. Gaukroger, S.-Descartes.J. V. Buroker - 1997 - Philosophical Books 38:95-96.
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  12. Hermeneutics of Facticity, w: R. Martinez (red.).J. V. Buren - 1997 - In Roy Martinez, The very idea of radical hermeneutics. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 166--184.
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    Reasoning about madness.J. V. Basson - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (4):213-213.
  14. On the education of young men and women.J. V. Schall - 1999 - In Daniel McInerny, The Common Things: Essays on Thomism and Education. American Maritain Association. pp. 128--142.
  15.  23
    Girolamo Zanchi on Union with Christ and the Final Judgment.J. V. Fesko - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (1):41-56.
    Union with Christ was a key doctrine for second-generation Reformed theologian Girolamo Zanchi. As a Thomist, Zanchi shared similar elements with Thomas Aquinas in his understanding of salvation as participatio, but his understanding of union with Christ differed with regard to the difference between infused and imputed righteousness. Unlike Aquinas’s doctrine of infused righteousness, Zanchi argued for imputed righteousness, which was both the foundation for one’s justification in this life as well as appearing before the divine bar at the final (...)
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  16.  16
    Bibliographie: Schulfernsehen.J. V. Muir - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (2):234.
  17.  74
    Quantum conformal fluctuations near the classical space-time singularity.J. V. Narlikar - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (5-6):473-492.
    This paper investigates the behavior of conformal fluctuations of space-time geometry that are admissible under the quantized version of Einstein's general relativity. The approach to quantum gravity is via path integrals. It is shown that considerable simplification results when only the conformal degrees of freedom are considered under this scheme, so much so that it is possible to write down a formal kernel in the most general case where the space-time contains arbitrary distributions of particles with no other interaction except (...)
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  18.  18
    Status and structure of methodology science.J. V. Nazarov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (5):339.
    In the paper, the multilevel concept of methodology of science is reviewed. The author distinguishes five levels in the methodology of science. These levels vary in degree of generality and the nature of the relationship with philosophy. The first, most general level of the methodology of ways of learning of the studies on the application of science to philosophical methods such as dialectical and metaphysical. The doctrine of general scientific ways of knowing is the second, less common level of methodology (...)
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    Alexandria [Virginia] Hospital bioethics committee: history and purpose.J. V. Guss - 1990 - Hec Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Hospitals' Ethical and Legal Issues 3 (4):231-240.
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  20. Juvenile marriages: Some sociological aspectse.J. V. Versterm - 1975 - Humanitas 3:17.
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  21.  75
    Cleopatra as Fatale Monstrum ( Horace, Carm. 1. 37. 21).J. V. Luce - 1963 - Classical Quarterly 13 (02):251-.
    The pregnant phrase fatale monstrum comes at a crucial point in the third and longest of the three sentences of the ‘Cleopatra Ode’. Before it Cleopatra is being hissed from the stage of history with cries of disapproval; after it she is recalled to receive plaudit after plaudit for her courage and resolution. The phrase is emphasized by its position at the start of a stanza followed by a marked pause. Prima facie it is the climax of the vituperation, and (...)
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  22.  33
    The Platonism of Johannes Kepler.J. V. Field - 1995 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 23:7.
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    (2 other versions)Ethical oversight: serving the best interests of patients. Commentary.J. V. Selby & H. M. Krumholz - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  24.  74
    Law and Clinical Research — From Rights to Regulation? An English Perspective.J. V. McHale - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):718-730.
    The last half century has been characterized by a growth in the regulation of clinical research nationally and internationally. Each area of research on human subjects has been the subject of a vast academic literature and extensive public policy debate, from issues of informed consent to that of regulatory structures. Professor Bernard Dickens has provided an outstanding contribution to this debate internationally through his many innovative and incisive papers in this area. This paper provides an English lawyer’s perspective upon the (...)
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    Research Ethics Review and Mental Capacity: Where Now after the Mental Capacity Act 2005?J. V. McHale - 2009 - Research Ethics 5 (2):65-70.
    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 placed for the first time research concerning adults lacking mental capacity upon a statutory footing. However, while the legislation which regulates the inclusion of such adults in ‘intrusive research’ safeguards researchers and research participants alike some controversy remains as to its implementation. This paper focuses upon two specific issues raised by the legislation. First, what constitutes ‘intrusive’ research and whether all issues concerning research involving adults lacking mental capacity should be referred to NHS research ethics (...)
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    The Human Factor in the Revolution and Perestroika.J. V. Minkevičius - 1988 - Dialectics and Humanism 15 (3-4):85-92.
  27.  15
    Research priorities and the university community.J. V. O. Reid - 1980 - Philosophical Papers 9 (sup001):191-207.
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    Piero Della Francesca's treatment of edge distortion.J. V. Field - 1986 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 49 (1):66-90.
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  29.  22
    Resistance of keys as a factor in reaction times.J. V. Breitwieser - 1909 - Psychological Review 16 (5):352-361.
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  30.  38
    Intellect and knowing in Henry of ghent (continuation).J. V. Brown - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (4):692 - 710.
  31. Using complexity science in organization studies: A case for loose application.J. V. Uden - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7 (1).
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  32.  12
    Note sur la situation religieuse en allemagne de 1552 à 1562: D'après Les dépêches Des nonces.J. V. Pollet - 1972 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 34 (3):511-528.
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  33.  53
    Computability and the algebra of fields: Some affine constructions.J. V. Tucker - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (1):103-120.
  34. Le piétisme, ses origines et ses précurseurs, d'après Albrecht Ritschl.V. R. J. - 1880 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 13 (5):381.
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  35. Four Recent Interpretations of Kant's Second Analogy.J. V. Cleve - 1973 - Kant Studien 64 (1):71.
  36.  94
    Professor Alexander's proofs of the spatio-temporal nature of mind.J. V. Bateman - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (May):309-324.
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    Plato, Phaedo 67 c 5.J. V. Luce - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (02):66-67.
  38. Hand Written Digit Recognition Using Elman Neural Network on Master-Slave Architecture.J. V. S. Srinivas, P. Vijay Kumar & P. Premchand - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press.
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    Paradijselijke visioenen.J. V. Teunissen - 1971 - 's-Gravenhage,: (Kijkduinsestraat 884) Medische Uitgeverij.
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    Notes and News.J. V. Breitwieser - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (5):139.
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  41. LONGUENESSE, B.-Kant and the Capacity to Judge.J. V. Buroker - 2000 - Philosophical Books 41 (4):262-263.
  42. The Retreat from Christianity in the Modern World.J. V. Langmead Casserley - 1952 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (3):535-536.
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  43. Meeting the spark plug requirements of european engines.J. V. B. Robson - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 182--25.
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    [Omnibus Review].J. V. Tucker - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):876-878.
  45. Reconstruir La Persona. Ensayos Personalistas.V. J. - 2010 - Revista Agustiniana 51 (156):836.
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    Alfred Rupert Hall and Marie Boas Hall.J. V. Field - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (1):99-103.
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    Astronomy for the Millions.J. V. Downey - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (4):667-669.
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  48. Van Cleve, James-problems from Kant.J. V. Buroker - 2001 - Philosophical Books 42 (4):292-293.
  49. Gramsci and the question of totalitarianism.J. V. Femia - 1998 - Philosophical Forum 29 (3-4):160-167.
  50. Ueber Real-und Beziehungsurtheile.J. V. Kries - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1:676.
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